Are you looking for H2O Wireless APN Settings? Here are the proper ones that you need.
H2O Wireless is one of the prepaid GSM MVNO networks available in the United States. It utilizes free space on the AT&T network. In this post we will be going through APN for H2O wireless.
H2o APN Settings:
Are you looking for APN Settings for your device running on H2O wireless? Are you having trouble with Data access/Internet or MMS? If yes, then you have arrived at the right place for the right information.
Here are the Access Point Names settings that you need -
Name: T-Mobile USLITE
MMSC proxy:
MMS port:
MCC: 310
MNC: 260
Authentication type: None
APN type: Internet +MMS
APN Protocol:IPv4/IPv6
APN roaming protocol:IPv4
APN PPP phone number: 5128586601
So that was the H20 Wireless APN Settings for iPhone, and Android. These settings will help you to fix H2O Wireless data, not working issues.
The above-mentioned settings are manual that you need to enter.
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⇒ Google Installer APK download
H2o Wireless APN Settings Not Working:
If you feel that there is still no data on H2O wireless phone, then it's better to contact H2O customer care for further help.
Can't Modify APN Settings on H2O Wireless:
If you can't modify the APN, then consider reading this guide.
H2o Wireless Mobile Data Not Working:
If you have the wrong APN Settings on your mobile phone, then mobile data on your phone will not work.
Mentioned here are the other reasons why mobile data isn't working on your phone -
- Reached mobile data limits
- You don't have an active mobile plan
- No or low network connectivity
In such cases, please make sure that you have entered the above-mentioned APN settings.
So that's the H2O Wireless APN settings.
This post was published on April 5, 2023 8:53 AM