BLU Vivo XL4 Plus vs Vivo XL3 Plus Comparison

BLU Vivo XL4 Plus vs XL3 Plus comparison

Here we have gone through BLU Vivo XL4 Plus vs Vivo XL3 Plus comparison by specs & price.

BLU Products is ready to launch the new Vivo XL4, the successor to XL3 and it's plus-size variant successor too expected. So, without any doubt, it will be named Vivo XL4 Plus.

After going through the Vivo XL4 vs XL4 Plus comparison, here in this article, we have gone through the BLU Vivo XL4 Plus vs XL3 Plus comparison.

BLU Vivo XL4 Plus vs Vivo XL3 Plus

So here is the tabular comparison of both the latest unlocked phones for the US market:


BLU Vivo XL3 Plus

BLU Vivo XL4 Plus

Display Screen 6-inch capacitive touchscreen display 6.2 inch capacitive touchscreen display
Resolution 1440 x 720 pixels 1440 x 720 pixels
Aspect Ratio 18:9 19:9
Pixel Density 268 PPI 268 PPI
Processor 1.4 GHz Quad Core Snapdragon 425 SoC 1.4 GHz Quad Core Snapdragon 450 SoC
Dual SIM Yes Yes
Operating System Android 7.1.2 Nougat Android 8.1 Oreo
Camera 13 megapixel rear side, LED flash 16 megapixel rear side, LED Flash (f/2.0 aperture)
Front Camera 16 MP front-facing cam, LED flash 16 MP front-facing cam (f/2.2 aperture), LED flash
Fingerprint Sensor Yes Yes
Battery 3000 mAh Li-Polymer 3100 mAh Li-Polymer
Internal Memory 32 GB 64 GB
Micro SD card Support Yes, Up to 64 GB Yes, Up to 256 GB
Price US $139.99 US $149.99


As we see there are many similarities between the two smartphones.

BLU Vivo XL3 Plus Pros

  • Good for selfies
  • Decent display
  • Advanced fingerprint sensor

BLU Vivo XL4 Plus Pros

  • Good for selfies; Improved than XL3 Plus
  • Latest Android version

Also Read:

BLU Vivo XL Replacement Battery

So, that was the detailed comparison between the Vivo XL4 Plus & Vivo XL3 Plus smartphones.

Article Name
BLU Vivo XL4 Plus vs XL3 Plus comparison by Specs, Display & Camera
Check out detailed BLU Vivo XL4 Plus vs XL3 Plus comparison by Specs, Display & Camera
Yogesh Khetani
Publisher Name
BLU Cell Phones
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This post was published on April 19, 2020 8:17 AM

Yogesh Khetani: Yogesh, with over 12 years in mobile technology, shares the latest smartphone insights and how-to guides. His digital journey began with Electronics and Communication Engineering studies, allowing him to express his love for technology and gadgets in a more impactful way with the widest reach.