
Check out a detailed BLU phone comparison with other phones in the market in terms of specifications like design, display, camera & battery life.

BLU F91 vs G91 Max Comparison by Specs, Camera, Features, Pros & Cons

A detailed BLU F91 vs G91 Max Comparison by specifications, camera, price, features, pros & cons. BLU Products makes unlocked mobile phones for sale in the North American market, especially in the United States and few for sale in Canada. Amongst the newly launched phone includes BLU F91, G91 Pro, and G91 Max and these devices are great examples of how good are the BLU Bold smartphones. Here we will be going through… Read More

BLU G90 Pro vs BLU G9 Pro Comparison

Here check out BLU G90 Pro vs BLU G9 Pro comparison in terms of technical specifications, features and price details. After going through BLU G90 Pro specifications, features, let's check out its comparison with other BLU and devices in the same price range. We have already gone through BLU G90 Pro vs Bold N1 comparison, here we go through BLU G90 Pro vs G9 Pro comparison. BLU G90 Pro vs… Read More

BLU F91 vs G91 Pro Comparison Specs, Price, Pros & Cons

Detailed BLU F91 vs G91 Pro Comparison by specifications, price, features, pros & cons. BLU Bold Like us has been making some good devices of late and the newly launched BLU F91, G91 Pro, and G91 Max are doing good. Here we will be going through BLU F91 vs G91 Pro comparison and will see how it fares against its older generation of devices. So why are we waiting for?… Read More

BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G91 Comparison by Specs, Features, Price

After going through BLU G90 vs BLU G91 Pro, here is the detailed BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G91 comparison in terms of specs, features & pricing. So let's check out how it goes with this comparison. BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G91 Here we have compared two mobiles with detailed specs - Detailed BLU G91 Pro BLU G91 Launch Date  August 2021  February 2021 Build  Unique Pattern Design  Unique… Read More

BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G90 Comparison by Specs, Features, Price

After going through  BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G9 Pro, here is the detailed BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G90 comparison in terms of specs, features & pricing. So let's check out how it goes with this comparison. BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G90: Here we have compared two mobiles with detailed specs - Detailed BLU G91 Pro BLU G90 Launch Date  2021 June 2020 Build  Unique Pattern Design  Unique… Read More

BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G9 Pro comparison by specs, features and pricing

After going through BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G90 Pro comparison, here is the detailed BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G9 Pro comparison in terms of specs, features, and pricing. So let's check out how it goes with this comparison. BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G9 Pro Here we have compared two mobiles with detailed specs - Detailed BLU G91 Pro BLU G9 Pro Launch Date  2021 August 2019 Build… Read More

BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G90 Pro Comparison by Specs, Features, Price

After going through BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G91, here is the detailed BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G90 Pro comparison by specs, features, and pricing. So let's check out how it goes with this comparison. BLU G91 Pro vs BLU G90 Pro Here we have compared two mobiles with detailed specs - Detailed BLU G91 Pro BLU G90 Pro Launch Date  2021  August 2020 Build  Unique Pattern Design  Unique… Read More

BLU G91 vs BLU G90 Pro Comparison

We do a lot of comparison articles. Here is the BLU G91 vs BLU G90 Pro comparison article in terms of technical specs, features and price that they carry. BLU G90 Pro no doubt is the best phone of 2020 by BLU Bold like us brand and here comes the affordable budget range BLU G91 mobile phone. BLU G91 vs BLU Here we have compared two mobiles with detailed specs… Read More

BLU G90 vs BOLD N1 Comparison

Let us check out the BLU G90 vs BOLD N1 Comparison, specifications, features & details. BLU Products has unveiled the latest G90 mobile phone and we have gone through its comparison with other BLU and similar-priced mobile phones. It's a wonderful mobile at $129.99. Among the few we have compared it with Moto G Power, and Moto G8 Plus, and here we go through its comparison with the Bold N1… Read More

BLU Vivo XII vs BLU Vivo XI+ Comparison

BLU Vivo XII is the newest BLU Phone, you already know that and we have already compared G90 Pro vs Vivo XII. Here we go through a detailed comparison of BLU Vivo XII vs BLU Vivo XI+. The BLU Vivo series is the flagship mobile phone series of the BLU Bold Like us brand. BLU Vivo XII vs BLU Vivo XI+ Comparison: Here we have compared two mobiles with detailed… Read More

BLU G90 Pro vs BLU G9 Comparison by Specs, Camera

Here is the BLU G90 Pro vs BLU G9 Comparison by specifications, price, pros & cons. As of now BLU Products continues to unveil new smartphones in the G Series. After launching BLU G90, the company is looking forward to the flagship BLU G90 Pro mobile phone. We have gone through BLU G90 vs G90 Pro comparison, and here is the BLU G9 vs G90 Pro comparison. BLU G90 Pro… Read More