BLU Products

Buy the Best 1 TB Memory Cards Online SanDisk, Samsung

Here you can check out the best 1 TB Memory Cards online from SanDisk, Samsung, and other sellers. We have come far in the development of technology and science. From big-sized and heavyweight phones of the 1990s to compact-sized mobile phones in 2022 with all features, the development is such that size has decreased drastically and possibilities have increased gradually. A decade back when Android was launched, mobiles used to… Read More

BLU Phone Camera Not Working - Fix the Normal Camera Errors

Do you see BLU Phone Camera Error on your mobile? Here is how to fix BLU Phone Camera not working or BLU Phone Camera upside Down or any such BLU camera error. A mobile phone is a device that you use 24 x 7. As such, you might encounter several problems and issues while using it. The issues can be display, performance, battery, or in the camera. We have already… Read More

How to Remove Back Battery Cover on BLU Cell Phones

Back covers on phones are delicate. Follow the process mentioned below in order to Remove Back Battery Cover on BLU Cell Phones. BLU Products launches several smartphones of various types. Although this year we have seen other OEMs like Samsung, and Huawei launching the 5G smartphone and Foldable phone, we are expecting it soon from BLU, maybe by 2020. Apart from dual-camera phones, BLU also has smartphones with a removable… Read More

Old BLU Phones Renewed | Refurbished BLU Phones for Sale on Amazon

Used BLU phones: Here is the guide on how you can buy the Refurbished BLU Phones online from Amazon and other retailers. BLU Products from time to time introduces new mobiles phones, and you can go through them. As of now, the Bold M6 and BLU G91 Max are the latest mobile phone. This comes after the success of BLU G90 Pro, and then BLU G91 Pro in the year 2021.… Read More

Best Smartphone under $50 Dollars 2025 UPDATE - Latest & New

Everyone has different preferences, and having options allows you to choose what aligns with your desires, interests, or aspirations. Some individuals opt to invest in smartphones priced at $1000, while others believe that spending such a significant amount on a mobile device is not wise. The decision often hinges on one's income and personal inclinations. This diversity in preferences is reflected in the wide range of mobile phones available, spanning… Read More

BLU Phone Screen Recording - How to Guide

BLU Phone Screen Recording: Guide on how to record screen on BLU cell phone. Compared to a regular phone, a smartphone has various built-in functions, including a screenshot, Wi-Fi tethering, and screen recording. Now we have gone through each of those guides and here in this tutorial, we will be showing you how to record screen on your BLU phone. We will be providing both texts and video tutorials to… Read More

Total Wireless Hotspot or Tethering for Mobile Data Sharing

Here is the guide on how to enable Total Wireless Hotspot or tethering for mobile data sharing on other lines. Mobile data sharing or Hotspots or tethering is a very important feature on smartphones that brings Wi-Fi router functionality to the so-called smartphones. Now, since I said 'Wi-Fi router' you might have understood that smartphones now include a data-sharing option, i.e., share your mobile Internet with your family and friends.… Read More

How to take a Screenshot on a BLU Phone without ROOT

In this guide check out how to take a screenshot on a BLU phone, popular all models. BLU Products is a well-known unlocked smartphone seller in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and other parts of the world. It has predominately launched smartphones under 200 USD, under 100 USD, and even at a low-cost budget of $30 too(take the case of BLU View 1 mobile). The main intention for us to… Read More

Graphene Battery Phones are in Development - Power Banks Available

In today's time, almost all smartphones have Lithium-ion batteries. You can find them not only on smartphones but also on laptops, PDAs, cars, and iPods as well. Most smartphone brands including new Samsung phones, iPhone, Infinix, and Nokia use Li-ion batteries. They can be recharged hundreds of times, and have a higher energy density, voltage capacity, and lower discharge rate than other batteries. You can check the best battery mobile… Read More

BLU Bold Like us - Phones, Price List, Specs, Features

BLU Products is one of the famous unlocked smartphone makers & sellers in the United States. We have seen so many mobile phone launches in the BLU brand every year and it will continue to do so alongside the new Bold brand. Here we go through the meaning of the phrase "BLU Bold Like us". Its also known by other terms as "blue products phone" or bule mobile. BLU Bold… Read More

BLU Waterproof Phone - Latest & New 2025 List

Check out the latest BLU waterproof phone that you can buy (latest and new). Waterproof phones have their own advantages over regular mobiles, but opting for them unless and until you have specific requirements can be a costly option. So that's why waterproof phones are for those who have a risk of losing their mobile phones while working and are preferably chosen by those who are working at construction sites… Read More