Blu G91 Android 11 Update Status - Will BLU make it Happen?

BLU G91 Android 11 update

Check out BLU G91 Android 11 update eligibility, whether the device will get the update or not.

We all know that there is a new Android version every year, but only a handful of Android smartphones are upgraded to the latest Android version. In this particular piece of writing, we will discuss the Blu G91 Android 11 update status.

The point of discussing the Android 11 update for BLU G91 is that the company hasn't said a single word about the Android updates on this device either during the launch or through a tweet or official announcement.

Blu G91 Android 11 Update

Going through the BLU G91 specification the device is capable of receiving the Android 11 update but it depends upon your OEM to carry out the update or not.

The Android 11 update includes a host of new features which include browsing the notification that you accidentally swipe the way when you wake up, chat bubbles, an inbuilt Android 11 screen recorder, smart device controls, better control of app permissions, dark theme scheduling, Android 11 updates via Play Store.

The BLU G91 runs on the Android 10 version out of the box, and considering its recent launch, it should have been powered with the latest Android 11 update. Sadly, that's not the case with the device.

Android 12 devices list | BLU G91 Pro | BLU G91 cases


BLU still hasn't confirmed any plans for any Android updates for BLU G91. We may not see the update happening.

That was all about the BLU G91 Android 11 update. Do let us know your view about this topic. We have gone through the BLU Android 12 update schedule to let you know which devices will get the upcoming Android update, and we can jump to the conclusion that the chances are very dim for any device.

Android 13 Download APK | Android 13 phones list

If you are so eager about Android updates, then we would like to read the following topics -

Android 12 confirmed phones list

Android 12 download apk

Next Android version

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Blu G91 Android 11 Update - Will BLU make it Happen?
Checkout BLU G91 Android 11 update eligibility, whether the device will get the update or not.
Yogesh Khetani
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This post was published on September 9, 2021 7:48 PM

Yogesh Khetani: Yogesh, with over 12 years in mobile technology, shares the latest smartphone insights and how-to guides. His digital journey began with Electronics and Communication Engineering studies, allowing him to express his love for technology and gadgets in a more impactful way with the widest reach.